According to my blog/fic friends, this past month was NaBoPoMo/NaNoWriMo (National Blog Post Month & National Novel Writing Month, respectively); the conceit being that one should make the effort to write/blog at least once a day, every day of the month. Since acronyms, writing, and nationally-sanctioned reasons for doing things are all on the List of Things Megan Straight-Up Enjoys; and since I have both a blog & a novel in progress, you’d think I would have been all over this shit, right?
April might be the cruelest month, but when you teach quarters, November is certainly one of the busiest. Many things conspired to keep me from my extra-curricular writing: The Royales’ show, two 5Ks, Avenue Q, teaching my last classes, collecting & grading final portfolios, an impromptu weekend trip to Hilton Head, several massages, packing up my apartment to move home for a month, a cocktail/movie night with friends, the Flying Feather 4-Miler, loving up on my dog, cleaning out the upstairs bedrooms at my parents’ for the mother-of-all garage sales, my sister’s car getting stolen… You know, the usual.
So here, to make up for my complete lack of any writing for the past 30 days, I give you My Month in Recipes.
I Totally Miss My Students More Than I Should PB&B Muffins
1 cup whole wheat flour
¾ cup oats
1/3 cup packed brown sugar, plus 3 tablespoons for sprinkling
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup soymilk
½ cup peanut butter
2-3 mashed bananas
1 ½ teaspoon egg replacer dissolved in 2 tablespoons warm water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 375. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin. Wonder what you will do with yourself on Tuesday/Thursday nights for the rest of the month.
Sift together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.
Whisk or beat with a hand mixer the milk, PB, egg, banana, vanilla, and oil until smooth. Think to yourself that you will have a new batch of students to get to know next quarter.
Add the wet to the dry and mix until just combined. Remember that you probably won’t be teaching next quarter, thank you very much budget/enrollment cuts.
Spoon into the muffin tins and sprinkle the tops with the extra tablespoons of brown sugar. Lick you fingers to dull the sharp pain of unemployment/no more fun students.
Bake for 18 minutes or until brown and delicious looking.
These muffins combine well with the slightly uncomfortable feeling of wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve and a mug of hot tea
Two 5Ks Are Better Than One Spiced Wine
3 cups apple cider (I used some that I had mulled over Halloween with some allspice, cloves, & cinnamon sticks, but you could use plain no problem)
2 cups dry red wine (I used Frontera Cab-Sauv)
1 orange, sliced in thin rings
1 big apple, sliced cross-core in thin rings
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, in a spice ball
Put everything in a pot. Stretch your aching hamstrings and quads.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Remind yourself that pain is temporary but race shirts are forever.
Serve hot in mugs or cold over ice in martini glasses.
Optional: add 2 Aleve or an Rx-strength Motrin, and an all-joint rub-down with Ben-Gay.
Moving Out Macaroni -or- Anything We Don’t Eat Today Will Spoil-aroni
Cook a big pot of short pasta. I used tri-color rotini. Drain and return to the pot. Set aside but keep covered so it doesn’t get cold and gross.
In a large frying pan or pot (it depends on how much on-the-verge-of-spoiling produce you’re going to toss in) sauté in 2-3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil:
1 onion
1 big tablespoon cheater garlic
2 peppers, chopped, slimy parts rinsed off (I used red & orange)
corn cut from two cobs of corn
a handful or so of shredded carrots
chopped or mandolined yellow squash/zucchini , moldy stems removed
2-3 celery ribs
When everything is soft and fragrant, remove from heat and add fresh spinach, chard, and basil, sliced in ribbons. Cover pan to let the greens steam.
While the greens are steaming, blend the following in your blender:
1 package of Mori-Nu firm silken tofu (about 14 oz.)
5 tablespoons vegetable broth (or water for thinning)
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon salt (use a bit more if you use water)
Add the vegetable mix to the pasta, stirring to evenly distribute.
Add the tofu cream to the pasta pot and stir to cover everything evenly.
Serve with steamed green beans, asparagus, tomato slices, and any other slightly moldy/slimy/stinky veg you might have in your fridge. Not throwing away food is fun!
Fireworks & Fake Diamonds Cran-Gin Cocktail
heaping ½ cup fresh cranberries
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups apple cider (again, mine was pre-mulled)
1 bottle ginger beer
2 generous shots gin (I used Tanqueray)
In a pitcher, muddle the cranberries and sugar. Add the lemon juice and muddle some more if it seems like the berries aren’t muddling properly.
Add the cider, ginger beer, and gin. I suppose you could leave the gin out but why would you?
Stir and serve chilled over ice.
Enjoy this sparkly-tasting drink with friends while watching the unfortunately-dead hotness that is Cary Grant and Grace Kelly verbally sparring to some Riviera fireworks. It’s about as sexy as you can get with all your clothes on.
I Should Be Packing Cranberry-Ginger Cornbread Pile
2 sticks butter, softened
½ cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar
1 ¼ cup fresh cranberries
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ cup yellow cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons egg replacer powder, dissolved in 4 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon finely chopped candied ginger
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Panic slightly over how difficult it is to pack and move one month’s worth of your possessions.
Melt ½ a stick of butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Recover from aforementioned panic attack by burning your finger.
Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add the cranberries and stir to coat.
Cook until cranberries begin to pop. Swear loudly when you get cranberry juice on your newest race t-shirt. Belatedly put on an apron.
Pour into a loaf pan, distributing evenly to cover the bottom. Let cool.
Sift together flour, cornmeal, baking powder & soda, and salt. Get excited because in a few short days you will be able to listen to Christmas music; hum a few bars of “Adeste Fidelis.”
Beat the remaining butter and sugar with a hand or stand mixer until pale and fluffy.
With the mixer still on add the egg replacer mixture and beat until smooth.
Reduce mixer speed to low and slowly add the dry mix. Forget, at first, to turn the beater down and swear to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” while sweeping up piles of flour.
Fold in the ginger. Panic again when you remember you still have laundry to do.
Pour the batter into the loaf pan over the cranberries. Smooth the top with an offset spatula.
Place the loaf pan on a rimmed cookie sheet, and bake for about 33 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Do absolutely no packing while you wait; instead, read fanfiction, creep on FB, and watch TV.
Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool for 15 minutes. Begrudgingly do a load of laundry and pull your duffel bag out from under the bed.
Invert pan onto the wire rack, and let cool cranberry side up.
Loyal readers might remember my last upside-down dessert debacle. This one fared no better.
Here’s what it was supposed to look like:
April might be the cruelest month, but when you teach quarters, November is certainly one of the busiest. Many things conspired to keep me from my extra-curricular writing: The Royales’ show, two 5Ks, Avenue Q, teaching my last classes, collecting & grading final portfolios, an impromptu weekend trip to Hilton Head, several massages, packing up my apartment to move home for a month, a cocktail/movie night with friends, the Flying Feather 4-Miler, loving up on my dog, cleaning out the upstairs bedrooms at my parents’ for the mother-of-all garage sales, my sister’s car getting stolen… You know, the usual.
So here, to make up for my complete lack of any writing for the past 30 days, I give you My Month in Recipes.
I Totally Miss My Students More Than I Should PB&B Muffins
1 cup whole wheat flour
¾ cup oats
1/3 cup packed brown sugar, plus 3 tablespoons for sprinkling
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup soymilk
½ cup peanut butter
2-3 mashed bananas
1 ½ teaspoon egg replacer dissolved in 2 tablespoons warm water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 375. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin. Wonder what you will do with yourself on Tuesday/Thursday nights for the rest of the month.
Sift together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.
Whisk or beat with a hand mixer the milk, PB, egg, banana, vanilla, and oil until smooth. Think to yourself that you will have a new batch of students to get to know next quarter.
Add the wet to the dry and mix until just combined. Remember that you probably won’t be teaching next quarter, thank you very much budget/enrollment cuts.
Spoon into the muffin tins and sprinkle the tops with the extra tablespoons of brown sugar. Lick you fingers to dull the sharp pain of unemployment/no more fun students.
Bake for 18 minutes or until brown and delicious looking.
These muffins combine well with the slightly uncomfortable feeling of wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve and a mug of hot tea
Two 5Ks Are Better Than One Spiced Wine
3 cups apple cider (I used some that I had mulled over Halloween with some allspice, cloves, & cinnamon sticks, but you could use plain no problem)
2 cups dry red wine (I used Frontera Cab-Sauv)
1 orange, sliced in thin rings
1 big apple, sliced cross-core in thin rings
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, in a spice ball
Put everything in a pot. Stretch your aching hamstrings and quads.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Remind yourself that pain is temporary but race shirts are forever.
Serve hot in mugs or cold over ice in martini glasses.
Optional: add 2 Aleve or an Rx-strength Motrin, and an all-joint rub-down with Ben-Gay.
Moving Out Macaroni -or- Anything We Don’t Eat Today Will Spoil-aroni
Cook a big pot of short pasta. I used tri-color rotini. Drain and return to the pot. Set aside but keep covered so it doesn’t get cold and gross.
In a large frying pan or pot (it depends on how much on-the-verge-of-spoiling produce you’re going to toss in) sauté in 2-3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil:
1 onion
1 big tablespoon cheater garlic
2 peppers, chopped, slimy parts rinsed off (I used red & orange)
corn cut from two cobs of corn
a handful or so of shredded carrots
chopped or mandolined yellow squash/zucchini , moldy stems removed
2-3 celery ribs
When everything is soft and fragrant, remove from heat and add fresh spinach, chard, and basil, sliced in ribbons. Cover pan to let the greens steam.
While the greens are steaming, blend the following in your blender:
1 package of Mori-Nu firm silken tofu (about 14 oz.)
5 tablespoons vegetable broth (or water for thinning)
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon salt (use a bit more if you use water)
Add the vegetable mix to the pasta, stirring to evenly distribute.
Add the tofu cream to the pasta pot and stir to cover everything evenly.
Serve with steamed green beans, asparagus, tomato slices, and any other slightly moldy/slimy/stinky veg you might have in your fridge. Not throwing away food is fun!
Fireworks & Fake Diamonds Cran-Gin Cocktail
heaping ½ cup fresh cranberries
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups apple cider (again, mine was pre-mulled)
1 bottle ginger beer
2 generous shots gin (I used Tanqueray)
In a pitcher, muddle the cranberries and sugar. Add the lemon juice and muddle some more if it seems like the berries aren’t muddling properly.
Add the cider, ginger beer, and gin. I suppose you could leave the gin out but why would you?
Stir and serve chilled over ice.
Enjoy this sparkly-tasting drink with friends while watching the unfortunately-dead hotness that is Cary Grant and Grace Kelly verbally sparring to some Riviera fireworks. It’s about as sexy as you can get with all your clothes on.
I Should Be Packing Cranberry-Ginger Cornbread Pile
2 sticks butter, softened
½ cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar
1 ¼ cup fresh cranberries
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ cup yellow cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons egg replacer powder, dissolved in 4 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon finely chopped candied ginger
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Panic slightly over how difficult it is to pack and move one month’s worth of your possessions.
Melt ½ a stick of butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Recover from aforementioned panic attack by burning your finger.
Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add the cranberries and stir to coat.
Cook until cranberries begin to pop. Swear loudly when you get cranberry juice on your newest race t-shirt. Belatedly put on an apron.
Pour into a loaf pan, distributing evenly to cover the bottom. Let cool.
Sift together flour, cornmeal, baking powder & soda, and salt. Get excited because in a few short days you will be able to listen to Christmas music; hum a few bars of “Adeste Fidelis.”
Beat the remaining butter and sugar with a hand or stand mixer until pale and fluffy.
With the mixer still on add the egg replacer mixture and beat until smooth.
Reduce mixer speed to low and slowly add the dry mix. Forget, at first, to turn the beater down and swear to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” while sweeping up piles of flour.
Fold in the ginger. Panic again when you remember you still have laundry to do.
Pour the batter into the loaf pan over the cranberries. Smooth the top with an offset spatula.
Place the loaf pan on a rimmed cookie sheet, and bake for about 33 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Do absolutely no packing while you wait; instead, read fanfiction, creep on FB, and watch TV.
Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool for 15 minutes. Begrudgingly do a load of laundry and pull your duffel bag out from under the bed.
Invert pan onto the wire rack, and let cool cranberry side up.
Loyal readers might remember my last upside-down dessert debacle. This one fared no better.
Here’s what it was supposed to look like:

Here’s what mine looked like:

Possible problems? A too-dry batter. The original non-vegan recipe called for 2 large eggs. Two eggs worth of egg replacer might not be wet enough. Perhaps adding some soymilk would have helped. I might also have been a tad overzealous with the cooling time and flipped the pan when it was too hot. Maybe the cranberries weren’t cooked enough. Maybe the pan wasn’t greased enough. Maybe I should just stick to right-side-up foods from now on.
Consolation? It may have looked like something I punted out of my kitchen and onto a serving plate, but it tasted a-freaking-mazing. I may start putting chopped ginger into all the cornbread I make. Sweet, savory, sour, and completely eaten.
And there you have it, kids - a month of kitchen ridiculousness. I laughed, I cried, I ate, I drank.
Now, if only I can figure out how to fit writing in there too...
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